Bid Support

We love bids!

At Herts Design and Creative Services, we have extensive experience in supporting clients with major bid proposals. Our designers will work with your bid teams to create visually stunning 2D and 3D graphics, infographics, diagrams and visuals to support your proposal text. 


More often than not, you will have aspiring designers within your bid teams, but is their time being well spent creating graphics and not writing the important content of the proposal? Most graphics created by bid proposal writers will not be used in the final proposal; instead graphics are recreated by professional graphic designers to ensure they meet branding and are visually engaging for the end user. 


We can take existing graphics created in standard software like PowerPoint or Visio, or take hand drawn sketches to create concise graphics that are easily understood. Even when you need that ‘Killer’ graphic to explain the whole project in one hit for an executive summary, we can help. 


Contact us today for more information.

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